I gladly welcum u all to my humble abode~ Thanks a lot for taking the time to view my blog. It shows dat u are one concern human being appreciate it :) nurperindu@yahoo.com.sg
~`♥ Pr0fiLe
likes pink and everyone niCe
Likes To Eat
Most of All love my Religion, FriendS&FamilY
whatever u are feeling, i feel it more. boy. at times, i just feel so stupid. it makes me feel so unworthy. i am at the losing end. so, why bother. after all the heartache, its not worth it.
~ { 11:53 pm } reflections of you and me;
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.~
Hey.. Its been so long since i blogged. I guess I totally forgot about my blog's existence.
Ya Allah, Saa'idni min hadzal balak. Waghfirli dzunubi.
For in only U I believe. Amin.
'Its hard to instill justice when we are but humans.'